Bilete fiba eurobasket 2017 5 septembrie

FIBA EuroBasket 2017 - 5 Septembrie - Courtside Seats

Evenimentul EuroBasket 2017 este un pas extrem de important pentru baschetul romanesc si ne aduce oportunitatea de a fi parte dintr-un moment istoric. Romania va fi gazda a meciurilor EuroBasket 2017 impreuna cu alte 3 state: Turcia, Finlanda si Israel. Meciurile sustinute in Romania se vor desfasura la Sala Polivalenta din Cluj Napoca, sala avand o capacitate de peste 7000 locuri la jocurile de echipa in sala.


Pentru persoanele care isi doresc sa participe la meciurile FIBA EuroBasket 2017 si sa aiba parte de o experienta VIP, cu locuri in primele randuri de langa teren, organizatorii au pregatit pachetele Courtside Seats, ce ofera cele mai bune locuri pentru o experienta premium pe durata intregii zile de competitie.


Bilete EuroBasket 2017 - Cumpara bilete Courtside Seats pentru meciurile din 5 Septembrie 2017


Campionatul din 2017 organizat de FIBA Europe va incepe in data de 31 august si va continua in luna septembrie.

Puteti vedea in sectiunea Sport a site-ului toate tipurile de bilete FIBA EuroBasket disponibile.


Program meciuri 5 Septembrie 2017 FIBA EuroBasket 2017 in Cluj-Napoca, la Sala Polivalenta:


Croatia - Spania

Republica Ceha - Muntenegru

Romania - Ungaria


PACHETUL COURTSIDE SEATS - EuroBasket pentru 5 septembrie include:

- Bilete la cele trei meciuri ale zilei
- Locuri in primele patru randuri de la terenul de joc

Prin achizitionarea unui bilet de tip Courtside Seats veti avea acces la toate meciurile desfasurate in ziua respectiva in cadrul evenimentului EuroBasket 2017. Biletele sunt disponibile pentru fiecare zi a competitiei si pot fi achizitionate in format fizic sau electronic.


Poti sustine echipa nationala a Romaniei prin prezenta ta la meciurile lor, acesta fiind de altfel primul turneu final de baschet la care participa echipa noastra in ultimii 30 de ani.


Meciurile din grupa se vor juca in perioada 1 - 7 septembrie 2017 si puteti achizitiona bilete de tip COURTISDE SEATS pentru fiecare zi de competitie:



Courtside Seats 1 septembrie Croatia - Romania/ Muntenegru - Ungaria / Republica Ceha - Spania

Courtside Seats 2 septembrie: Muntegreu - Croatia / Spania - Romania / Ungaria - Republica Ceha

Courtside Seats 4 septembrie: Croatia - Spania / Republica Ceha - Muntenegru / Romania - Ungaria

Courtside Seats 7 septembrie: Republica Ceha - Croatia/ Ungaria - Spania / Muntenegru - Romania




The FIBA EuroBasket 2017 competition will be hosted by 4 countries: Israel, Romania, Finland and Turkey. The 24 qualified teams are divided between 4 groups with 6 teams each. The teams that are confirmed for the group that will compete in EuroBasket 2017 in Cluj Napoca are: Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic and Spain.


EuroBasket 2017 Tickets – Courtside Seats 5th September 2017 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


There will be 5 days of competition and the first teams will play on the 1st September 2017 at the Polyvalent Hall in Cluj Napoca.

If you want to participate in the FIBA EuroBasket event in Cluj Napoca and you're looking for a VIP experience, with front row seats, then the organising team have prepared the Courtside Seats, designed to offer the best conditions during the day of competition.  


In the Sport section of our website you can see all the types of FIBA EuroBasket tickets.


September 5th 2017 - FIBA EuroBasket Schedule:

Croatia - Spain

Czech Republic - Montenegro

Romania - Hungary


FIBA EuroBasket Courtside Seats for September 1st includes:

-    Tickets for all three games of the day
-    Court side seats (best available seats in the front four rows)


A Courtside Seats Package ticket at FIBA Eurobasket 2017 allows for access at all games disputed during that day. Each day of competition will have a total of 3 games between the teams included in the group.


A Hospitality Package ticket at FIBA Eurobasket 2017 allows for access at all games disputed during that day and also free access at the restaurant for drinks and food. Each day of competition will have a total of 3 games between the teams included in the group.


Hospitality Package tickets for each day of competition at FIBA EuroBasket 2017 are available on our website. You can purchase electronic tickets (E-tickets) for one day of competition or you can buy a Tournament Pass, which grants you access to all 15 games disputed in Cluj-Napoca (Romania).


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